Thursday, October 9, 2008


This isn't really a bargain tip, but a financial tip that has been great for me over the past few years and I wish I would've started earlier. I've banked with Wellsfargo, Washington Mutual, Zions, and others, but have just loved ING. They're an online bank that offers great interest rates for checking accounts, savings accounts, cds, and more. Their savings account gives 2.75% APY in interest that is directly deposited into your account every month. That's the lowest the rate has been in years. It used to be 4.5%, but it has dropped with the economy. It's still better than the stock market though. There's no minimum balance, no fees, it's FDIC insured and very easy to use. Every other bank I have used for savings accounts, I have only made a few bucks a month in interest and now I'm getting $50 - $100 every month with ING. This interest is just from a savings account that is fluid and has no strings attached. Their cds are from 3.5% - 4.25% and also don't require a minimum deposit. So if you have any extra money in a savings account that you don't want to lock into any long-term investments, but want to make money on it, I highly recommend ING.

Go to if you're interested.

If you want to sign up, I can recommend you and you get $25 - I get $10 (-: Just ask Andi to give you my email address.

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